View Full Version : [Announcement] Server Launch

June 13th, 2019, 07:36 PM

Discord: https://www.gta-sarp.uk/discord
Server IP: samp.gta-sarp.uk:4500

Launch Day

I'm sure you're all as excited as we are in the lead up to launch which happens in just under two hours at the point I'm writing this thread. This entire concept of rebooting San Andreas Roleplay revolved around a five minute conversation. One week later and we've accumulated over 180+ users, an entire staff roster of reputable OG SARP players, one of the most active development teams known to the SARP community, and a whole lot more. I'd like to firstly thank everyone for their belief and faith in this reboot over the other flawed attempts, we have a lot to offer and can't wait to see how this plays out. This thread is going to go over all of the key details you should expect at launch and be prepared for.

If you haven't already, post a refund request using this (https://www.gta-sarp.uk/forms.php?do=form&fid=29) form. The second the server opens there's going to be an influx of players demanding refunds and it may get a bit messy - to aid in the speeding up of this process it is essential you get your refund arranged prior to the server launch!

Busy Staff
In continuation of the first point, we're going to have a lot of stuff to be focusing on. We will appreciate your patience in the early hours of the server launch as we aim to get everyone refunded and set for their journey here at SARP UK. We intend on getting everyone's refunds, factions and so on set up as soon as possible so that everyone can begin their ventures.

Houses, Businesses & Economy
I'll condense this key information into one title. We have worked tirelessly as a team debating many factors about the script that will heavily influence the economy. SARP always lacked a balanced economy and in this reboot we have made it one of our primary focuses to create an economy where people will finally have a reason to grind and discover methods of making money.

Houses are priced in accordance with their location, exterior, and interior. Houses in Idlewood will typically be affordable by most if not all players whilst houses in Richman will be primarily affordable by those who achieve larger refunds (in line with the refund system we introduced). Vehicles will be immediately accessible with a range of dealerships offering vehicles from lower tiers to higher tiers. Businesses will be auctioned off after about a week to the players once everyone has got on their feet. These all tie in together as they are considered to be the most influential factors of the economy and how it means to go on, nobody will be able to log in and afford the best car and the best house - it'll take roleplay and gameplay to be able to flaunt wealth.

There are a variety of ways to make money on SARP which include drug dealing, arms dealing, car flipping, and many more. One of the key features which is offered is the faction paycheck system - as you rise up the rankings within a faction your hourly paychecks will increase drastically which will ultimately aid the development of your wealth in the long run.

The initial starting factions will consist of: SAPD, FBI, SAFMD, and the Government. Leaders have been carefully picked out by the Faction Management team and we as a team have full faith in the selections that have been made. If you would like further information on factions in general click here (https://www.gta-sarp.uk/forumdisplay.php?72-Faction-Discussion) to see what rules we have in place along with the leadership elected. You can apply for these factions through the forums directly.

Alongside factions, also managed by the Faction Management team are the groups. We intend on keeping a low amount of groups particularly to begin with - currently consisting of the Hitman Agency, and Eastern European Connection. These two groups will play a heavy part in delivering quality roleplay to the community with their unique purposes which you will find out more about over the course of time (in characterly, of course:)). Likewise with factions the leadership have been carefully elected and we are sure they will make great progress and developments in coming days as we ease into the servers launch.

I hope I have covered the primary points whilst we approach this relaunch which I have no doubt will be massive, and will certainly continue to write history on the legacy of San Andreas Roleplay. We hope to see you all there!

San Andreas Roleplay Management