View Full Version : Profile Music Update

June 15th, 2019, 11:53 PM
Okay, so let me get started.. there is no fix for this, no matter what you all say. Chrome is a bad web browser, and I only use it for my work computer, because someone designed their horrible work related website around chrome.

Secondly, there is kinda a fix for this. For Firefox, it's easy and simple because that's all firefox is, is easy and simple. You click the little weird explanation point bubble, next to the green lock (should be), or yellow lock. Then after that you just go to Autoplay and select allow.


As for chrome, just put this in the address bar: chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy

Then go select the first setting and select: "No user gesture is required because im not gay"


You should no longer have issues with stuff, just saying.

Melvin Harris
June 16th, 2019, 03:23 AM
Okay, so let me get started.. there is no fix for this, no matter what you all say.

but there is because we found one and it was already fixed

you don't need to do any of this, all that needed to be done was make the player visible

profile music is fixed