View Full Version : v4.0.2(a)

July 18th, 2019, 03:45 PM
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https://i.imgur.com/ih82rAm.png San Andreas Roleplay
Version 4.0.2(a)

Automated Emergency Light Mod (ELM) for public services (any vehicle with siren enabled will have ELM)
/deliver command for SAPD to deliver suspects to the SANG military facility (if < 3 SANG online)
Proxy detection system (will automatically immediately kick the user if a proxy is detected)
/towcars for factions to respawn their unoccupied vehicles
/setdep (for /d communications)
Custom skins have been returned


/jail had a slight inconsistency which was addressed
If someone is autoprisoned for LTA their guns will automatically be taken
/deliver wasn't working for the SAPD
SANG now get faction payment hourly
Changed the format of the VIP royalties on payday to fit the rest of the paycheck layout


Upon delivery of incarcerated suspects via (/deliver), suspects skins now change appropriately
If a suspect has over 4 charges they must be taken to the SANG facility to be processed
SANG vehicles now have MDC access
Reinstated old PD ranks (Cadet, Officer, Senior Officer)
Formatting of /fakedepartments (S9 command) to fit the new departmental system


Unoccupied vehicles no longer take damage

* Credit to Dirk.


July 18th, 2019, 03:46 PM
4.0.2(a) will be pushed live along with the 0.3.DL revert at some point this evening.