View Full Version : v4.0.3(a)

August 25th, 2019, 05:09 PM
<div style="width:100%;padding-left:30px;padding-bottom:30px;background-color:#131313;font-family:Franklin Gothic Medium;">
https://i.imgur.com/ih82rAm.png San Andreas Roleplay
Version 4.0.3

Players with a cosmetic level upon login are prompted and reminded of this
Probationary admin /b color
Cameras in /sellgun


/undercover to consider more possible conditions
/id incorrectly displaying levels
Upon logout your department channel is now reset and the timer associated gets killed
Phonebooks now save upon logout
SMS system amended following the removal of /contacts
/buylevel was not allowing people to level up as they'd have a fake level on, when they didn't

FBI can now use /undercover
Miscellaneous internal improvements
Probie/admin/dev /b colors now only appear if you are using the relevant nametag
R3+ in Gov can use /resetbadgenumber
Faction name is omitted in /gov when Government uses it
Hitmen can now use /sosk (approved by a Rank 4+)
Fake levels are now MySQL based for saving purposes

Development Manager rank
Chechen mapping
Redundant NSB status '/makensb', '/removensb'

* Credit to Dirk, AceSevenFive, Rellex.


August 26th, 2019, 10:07 PM
<div style="width:100%;padding-left:30px;padding-bottom:30px;background-color:#131313;font-family:Franklin Gothic Medium;">
https://i.imgur.com/ih82rAm.png San Andreas Roleplay
Version 4.0.3(a)


Cosmetic level failing to be removed from those who are no longer in an eligible faction/group
House SQL saving issue
Continued issue with anticheat
An issue with undercover which would set the users level to 0


/kill has been re-enabled
/sethp can be used appropriately once again
FBI operatives using mask now appear as 'Agent MaskName' rather than all 'Agent'
Admins beneath Head can no longer see /undercover usage
GetFakeRank to display accurate up-to-date ranks


Damage system (weapon-config) implemented by Ruhl due to countless issues arising
Unoccupied vehicles taking damage
GROUP_CRIME slot having access to /mask

* Credit to Dirk, AceSevenFive, Rellex.
