View Full Version : Forum Rules

December 15th, 2018, 01:36 AM
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<div style="text-align: center;"><font color="#8E8E8E"><br>
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<font color="#FFFFFF">A list of the rules in which must be followed while browsing, or posting here on San Andreas Roleplay Forums/Website. If any of the following rules are broken, any administrator had the right to infract you for your misconduct, depending on the situation, and severity of which rule had/has been broken, will debate your punishment. <br>
The seriousness of an offense are listed using the color code listed below:</font><br>
<font color="#FFFFFF"><font color="#FF0000"><b>Heavy Offense</b></font> - Defiant infraction, and or temp/perma ban if continued<br>
<font color="#FFA500"><b>Medium Offense</b></font> - Possible infraction, and or temp/perma ban if continued<br>
<font color="#00FF00"><b>Light Offense</b></font> - Infraction or Warning</font><br>
<div style="text-align: center;"><font color="#8E8E8E"><font size="5">Rules</font></font></div><br>
<ul><li style=""><font color="#00FF00">Please do not spam admins to review your requests (frr, grr, complaints, famed, ect), this annoys the administrators, and fill up space in which they do not need to have. They will get to it when they have time, or the chance to do so. If they do forgot, you may remind them once.</font><br></li><li style=""><font color="#FFA500">Post in a serious manner, if the thread is asking you to. Do not troll threads that are asking for serious input or feedback. If the post is joking or just not serious, it's obviously alright to respond without being entirely serious.</font><br></li><li style=""><font color="#FFA500">Admin disrespect is not allowed. Disrespecting administration staff on forums will result a 3 days ban and (if continued) in-game punishment.</font><br></li><li style=""><font color="#FFA500">Insulting is now disallowed on any part of the forum (excluding IC posts and the spam section). Any serious form of offensive posting will result in an infraction.<br>
<b>Note: The insult is determined by the admin, not the player. Infractions will not be dealt for petty remarks.</b></font><br></li><li style=""><font color="#FFA500">Please do not post if you are not adding relevant information/content to the thread. Saying "Thanks looks good" is not an example of a good post. Likewise, short posts like "/supported" and others should be avoided as best you can. Before posting, be sure to think "Am I adding something to this conversation that is relevant and has not already been brought up?". (Doesn't apply to spam subforum)</font><br></li><li style=""><font color="#FFA500">Please post all threads in the correct sections. If you want to get people's opinions about a topic, General Discussions is the place to go. If you want to show your friends a funny video you found, try using the Entertainment and Media section. If there is not a section for your topic, there's a good chance it isn't by accident. For instance, forum games are not discussions and vice-versa. There is no section for forum games. This does not mean that you post them in General Discussions.<br></font></li><li style=""><font color="#FFA500"> Applying for a user group you're not meant to - do not apply for a user group you are not entitled for. Doing so will result in a temp ban. <br></font></li><li style=""><font color="#FFA500"> Using alternate accounts to boost poll results. Whether the poll is IC or not, do not use alternate accounts, we will find out, and you will be served a 1 month ban for it. </font><br></li><li style=""><font color="#FF0000">Do not post real life pictures of other players without their consent. Doing so may result in a ban depending on the severity of the situation.</font><br></li><li style=""><font color="#FF0000">You are not allowed to reveal any secret information of any player in the SARP Community. E.g: ( IP, Pictures, Names or Surnames, Address, Country of Origin, etc...) this rule only applies to SARP platforms (Forums, Discord, Server,)</font><br></li><li style=""><font color="#FF0000">These forums are not for pornographic material, anyone caught posting any type of pornographic material on Threads, Posts, Signatures, Avatars, Profile Pictures, Albums, PMs, ect will be banned. This rule only applies to actual nude photographs.</font></li></ul><br>
<div style="text-align: center;"><font color="#8E8E8E"><font size="5">Information</font></font></div><br>
<ul><li style=""><font color="#FFFFFF">The usage of third party software / scripts to carry out automated attacks on users (rep/reacts etc.) is now strictly forbidden and will result in a forum ban.</font></li><li style=""><font color="#FFFFFF">If you need moderator over a section of the forums, be prepared to include publicly verifiable proof of leadership for that section. Do not expect an administrator to grant you moderator rights without proper evidence.</font></li><li style=""><font color="#FFFFFF">If you wish to report a forum user for something, we prefer if you report it using the forum method (click this little icon which is found on every single post <img style="max-width: 800px; cursor: pointer;" onclick="window.open(this.src)" src="http://www.gta-sarp.com/forums/images/styles/socialize/buttons/report-40b.png" alt="" border="0">), this alerts the admins that someone may have broken a forum rule, and the correct administrators in which review those will take a look at it, and decide on it.</font></li></ul><br>