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View Full Version : [Announcement] The future on open.mp

April 19th, 2021, 01:00 AM

The future on open.mp


Welcome back to the United States Roleplay forum. The decision has been made to continue development in preparation for the launch of the rejuvenated San Andreas Multiplayer, Open Multiplayer (https://open.mp/). This platform is essentially SAMP recreated from the very bottom, and we can expect new and exciting features to implement within our script to see features we'd never in a million years been able to expect with SAMP.

Regardless of the development pace of Open Multiplayer we will work towards bringing a new lease of life on our script, and if necessary we may resume our community on SAMP in the lead up to the OpenMP launch. We invite you to become part of our community as we redevelop and restructure our teams, and no doubt we will have vacancies appear in the near future. This is certainly a prospective time for this community and possibly the best time to get involved, with time and your help we will be able to rebuild this community to work towards our previous success.

I am excited to be working alongside Josh Day (@Day) and Shawn Jarvis (@vienna) for this run. Both Day and vienna are extremely hard working, determined, and share the same vision as myself - to restore a nostalgic and enjoyable SARP experience. Most importantly we are capable of restoring this childhood memory and continually improving it, the very first goal of this reboot project back in 2019.

In the near future we will be putting up vacancies to fulfil essential roles pre-launch, please refrain from pestering the administration team for positions as this will reduce your chances. Whilst this is the case you can enquire and show your interest with a simple message, be that on Discord or on the forum.

If you haven't already joined our Discord server you can do so via the link below. Our Discord is our central communication hub and will be fed with live Git updates so that you can get constant updates on our script progression. We have progressively been working on our script throughout, implementing many unseen features which we will be excited to showcase on our Discord server.


Thank you for your continued support towards this community, we appreciate the word being spread.

United States Roleplay Management.
