Donation Policies and Guidelines

  • Claiming orders
    Only the person who donated or had someone else donate for them may claim an item, an order ID must be provided for us to verify it, If you have forgotten your order ID you can make a GRR (Game Related Request on the forums).
    You may use /report to claim an order ID without making a GRR, However, if you have a GRR open on the forums and your order is processed in game, please close your GRR.

  • Donating for other players
    When donating for another player, leave their name under the comment box (in Firstname_Lastname format) if possible, this helps us process the order quicker.
  • Refunds and chargebacks
    Once a shop moderator processes your order you cannot change it. (In special circumstances this may be allowed, speak to a shop moderator or make a GRR if you have enquiries).
    Chargebacks without consulting shop moderators will result in your account being banned.

  • Providing fake information on orders or GRR's (Game Related Requests)
    Faking order claims may result in your account being banned.
    -Account ban.
    -Permanant ban.